Friday, October 3, 2008

"Hell's Bells" Garb

I was watching the season 6 episode of Buffy with Anya and Xander's wedding (6.16 "Hell's Bells") the other day and I realized that I really like Anya's bouquet, dress, and veil. I realize this post doesn't have anything to do with Sara's wedding as much as it's about wedding-related things that I like, but nobody else is posting so I might as well.


Dress and Veil. The bottom of the dress sort of mimics the vail.

Willow: Wow. You look lovely. Really... lovely.
Anya: Thanks. It's probably the blush of imprudent spending.

And let's just take a moment and be grateful that Sara's not an ex-demon who would put her friends in dresses like these:

Side note: This picture is from the very begining of the episode, and the first time I saw it I thought Willow's dress had sleeves because she's actually Xander's Best Man, not a bridesmaid. But it turns out that everyone except for SMG and Michelle Trachtenberg (who plays Buffy's little sis) are wearing the ugly sleeves. Makes me wonder if perhaps Smidge was too vain to wear sleeves that would make her arms look that fat. Or maybe they had to give her short sleeves because she has to fight later on in the ep. Who knows.

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